Monday, May 12, 2008

Introduction to our local project

Hi! I'm Kristen and I've been supervising the AmeriCorps VISTA project with United Way of Utah County for about 3 years. We've had a lot of different projects and had a lot of exciting things happen. We've worked in the South Franklin Neighborhood in Provo to get neighbors to know and trust each other better through community events, a summer day camp, a community garden, "Good Neighbor" award and more. We've increased financial self-sufficiency through Volunteer Income Tax Assistance, Utah Saves events, and mentoring Spanish-speakers to start their own businesses. We've piloted educational programs at UVSC, created curriculum for community volunteers to learn about assistance systems and problem solving techniques. We've collaborated with Mundo Hispano to advertise volunteer opportunities for Spanish-speakers and highlight those within the Hispanic community who have given back. We helped run Festival Latinoamericano, a huge celebration of culture and community in Provo, Utah. We've encouraged volunteerism through events such as National Family Volunteer Day, Global Youth Service Day and Summer of Service.
We've got things done here in Utah County. Check back for reports on our projects weekly!

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